Well, it's now 2010, and when I started it was with the intentions of updating this house (not mine, but my spouse's) and documenting it. Since I had had so much fun doing my own renos to a century old house before I ran off and joined the navy, I though this time I might actually record it for posterity. Or perhaps to incriminate me later.
Right at the moment, we now have new floors. Well, almost all new floors. One room remains, but it's better than zero. Also, we are getting ready to have lovely new countertops installed. Sooo much better than when we started, at any rate. Also, we now have a blacksplash, which sure beats the nothing we had before!
In the meantime, I guess furniture is going to become important, especially since he will have to sell the house when he gets posted. Right now, because the house is TINY and there are three of us, plus dogs, and just the couch he bought for himself without regard for appearance or it fitting the space, we are going to need grown up furniture.
I am going to start with a new kitchen table...a real one. We've had random Ikea table and mismatched chairs, for which I get in trouble all the time for 'putting outside', mainly because THERE IS NO WHERE ELSE FOR THEM TO GO if you need to clean the kitchen or even wipe the chairs off. At any rate, new is needed, so I'm on a quest. The table I've had has been good enough for now, however, it has kind of reached the end of its useful life.
Also, it's going to be one of my "Labour Day Resolutions" to learn how to format blog posts better, so that the pictures don't go all wonky and the whole thing looks a bit more professional. Pray for me!
I Rebuke This Comeback in the Name of Rattails
A new album? A new semi-autobiographical film? Whatever this comeback is, I
wish The Weeknd would keep it.
I can help you with the formatting thing-what's with the "his" house-isn't it yours too????? I can't wait to see pic's of your renos! You'll have to send me a pic of whatever room you stick the zukzuk print in so that I can share it on OMHG.
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