Saturday, May 2, 2009

Even more stuff I've done

Well, once again, I've continued to work away at the house while my signifcant other embraces laziness in a way only previously enjoyed by sloths.
To that end, I have painted the trim on the house (including fixing the 'spilly painter' glops) and repainted the front porch, as well as painting the risers to match, redoing a mailbox and making my own bedding to finish up my daughter's room.
My next endevour may be making organic playpen/cradle/crib bedding and the famous "sherpa cloths", since there seems to be a rising demand for said here in Halifax. Now, I just have to scare up the cash for a serger and I'll be in business! :)


April said...

Holy cow, cool mail box! You are a productive lady - a lot of type A's hanging around Nurtured it seems.

BTW - the sherpas will be back! I managed to scare up a few (hundred)...