Friday, October 24, 2008

Things I've done, and even more things I've left undone

Okay, so I thought I'd get a lot done today. I would, of course, be wrong.

Amid other calamaties the house work did not get done. There is stuff EVERYWHERE. I had meant to tidy it all up, and really get things sorted, but a couple things happened (not including me up vomitting all night into the sink) and not much got done.

In lieu of a tremendous post about what I've accomplished, I'd like to present you with a list of Things I Have Learned You Need or Must Know:

  1. Have movers' buddies. These are little white plastic discs that go under your furniture. Awesome. Don't move heavy things without them.

  2. Don't drop a drill with a fine bit in it. They bend.

  3. Some tools aren't as self explanatory as they may seem. When in doubt, use the manual version.

  4. Prizes of some kind should be issued for single parents attempting home renovations. Everything is exponentially harder when you're trying to accomplish it with a 6 month old baby in tow.

  5. Buy good batteries for your digital camera. The non-specialized ones last exactly one less picture than you need to take.

  6. Blog templates are a pain in the ass. Trying to find one that doesn't look gimpy or give the 'seizure-robots' effect is a challenge, but I've worked something out for now. Feel free to send suggestions.

I did manage to get some trim put on, and paint some cupboards. I have also managed to solve my balsawood moulding problem, which pleases me greatly, and I'm just waiting to see how effective my fix is (it's thrifty too. Don't worry, if it works, there'll be pictures.).

So it's only a few days until He Who Shan't Be Named returns. Ainsley and I have had a good run, having lots of fun times while Our Overlord is away. However, all good things must end, and so it is here. Let's hope He approves of the reno!

PS- Please go to my friend Ian's site (title NSFW, but content only mildly anarchistic) and click on some ads. He is a student and needs the money.


Lil said...

i can't imagin karen doing all that with a baby! and the puking during the night...good goddess i hope you're napping too!

xo XO xo