Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Back in my element

Today's items included such fun times as a garbage dump/charity shop/grocery shopping/library/return item to store/paint/clean/laundry/paint/laundry/paint afternoon.
This evening though, I accomplished one of the tasks I had put off until I could actually take a moment, pull out the stove, unplug same, and replace the element. To do this, I needed to have a sleeping baby. So during the hockey game (it's currently Leafs 5, NJ 4, I dare not look), I took this task in hand, and prayed. Hard.

You see, the plate with the model number is worn off, so it was a 'best guess' for the right element. So I took a deep breath, plugged everything in, screwed the backplate on, and plugged everything back into the power. With no small amount of trepidation, I spun the dial, and HUZZAH! (I swear I heard angels sing.) Heat.
While I curse this stove regular-like, it is still quite serviceable, so instead of a $800 new one, we spent $30 to repair the old one. Not bad for comes-with-house stove I'd say.
And since I'm pretty proud of myself, and don't really have anything more to post until I reveal my evil works to my husband Friday, I'm sharing my lovely stove and oven photos with you all here.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The cupboards...of Doom!


A LARGER CABINET DOOR (note damage from trying to remove stupid molding thing):




Well, today's productive project was getting the lovely cabinets done.

Unfortunately, it's started to rain, which sucks, but I'm doing okay anyway, since most of the melamine painting was done before the deluge.

I have yet to reassemble the island, and move it into place, but I do have some pictures to share with what I had to work with at the start of the project.

A happy development though: the cabinet doors are not the same on the top and bottom of the cupboards, meaning that the centres could be removed, reversed, and reinstalled, thus concealing damage from the nasty balsa stick-ons!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

And now, the hallway

Well everyone, it's been a productive day. Huzzah!
I managed to get a bunch of items on my list accomplished, including the second coat on cabinet doors etc., sanding and painting other objects, and putting a final coat on the island. I even managed to do it outside, since melamine paint stinks like the devil but sticks well.

In addition to this painting, I managed to finish some other interior work, including painting the fiddly cutout thing in the living room to blend with the wall. I then took on the task of the Ugliest Hallway in the Universe, seen here. As you can see, the sage green that permeated the house (with the exception of the steps, which were ship's grey) is used here too, but not on certain patches, for some inexplicable reason. I can't even blame my husband, as he purchased the house like this. However, that is not to say that if he loved me at all, he would have fixed this eyesore. Oh well. Such is my lot in life. I m showing you the nasty hallway before, as it looks really good now. I don't know why the previous owners didn't bother to split a fin and buy some masking tape to keep the edges clean, but there it is. I really like tape, and I tape the crap out of everything before I paint, as I like to start work and just go. As Mr.Jim, my mentor and former neighbour once pointed out to me, "Efficient people are lazy people. They think about the best way to do something once, prepare beforehand, and work smart." And that is very true. I don't like to repeat someting, or get bogged down halfway through; I like to GIVE 'ER. Hence the tape. Once everything's taped off and cut in, you can paint EVERYTHING, because the bulk of the job has been done already (which is a little trick I've done since I was small: I do the suckiest part of any task first, leaving the easy part for last. Psychologically I find it helpful to work this way.)

At any rate, even more stuff is painted. It's beginning to look like a real house. I am actually getting a bit excited at Himself's return, as I can't wait to see his reaction to the painting and myriad changes. So now there's only a few more days left to the revealing of the work; it's like a cut-rate Extreme Makeover.

Tomorrow's job: upstairs bedroom. This should be relatively easy, due to its small size. I will also put the cabinetry back on, with the new hardware. I will also be setting up a poll, with two choices for the kitchen cabinetry under the sink in particular. Himself purports to know what is most esthetically pleasing, however; I believe that his choice is not necessarily a win. I shall let the people speak.

More tomorrow!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Things I've done, and even more things I've left undone

Okay, so I thought I'd get a lot done today. I would, of course, be wrong.

Amid other calamaties the house work did not get done. There is stuff EVERYWHERE. I had meant to tidy it all up, and really get things sorted, but a couple things happened (not including me up vomitting all night into the sink) and not much got done.

In lieu of a tremendous post about what I've accomplished, I'd like to present you with a list of Things I Have Learned You Need or Must Know:

  1. Have movers' buddies. These are little white plastic discs that go under your furniture. Awesome. Don't move heavy things without them.

  2. Don't drop a drill with a fine bit in it. They bend.

  3. Some tools aren't as self explanatory as they may seem. When in doubt, use the manual version.

  4. Prizes of some kind should be issued for single parents attempting home renovations. Everything is exponentially harder when you're trying to accomplish it with a 6 month old baby in tow.

  5. Buy good batteries for your digital camera. The non-specialized ones last exactly one less picture than you need to take.

  6. Blog templates are a pain in the ass. Trying to find one that doesn't look gimpy or give the 'seizure-robots' effect is a challenge, but I've worked something out for now. Feel free to send suggestions.

I did manage to get some trim put on, and paint some cupboards. I have also managed to solve my balsawood moulding problem, which pleases me greatly, and I'm just waiting to see how effective my fix is (it's thrifty too. Don't worry, if it works, there'll be pictures.).

So it's only a few days until He Who Shan't Be Named returns. Ainsley and I have had a good run, having lots of fun times while Our Overlord is away. However, all good things must end, and so it is here. Let's hope He approves of the reno!

PS- Please go to my friend Ian's site (title NSFW, but content only mildly anarchistic) and click on some ads. He is a student and needs the money.

I found one!


I forgot how horrendous the kitchen was before I began my manic revamping.

So without further ado, "yar she blows!".

Note the lovely blue diamond vinyl floor, unpainted sliding door trim mismatched cupboards with those banes of my existence, the 'harvest gold' dishwasher (that my husband GAVE AWAY AND I HAVE NO DISHWASHER NOW), the mysterious crow ornament hanging from the ceiling, the faux tile panel (one of three mismatched pieces) and cabinetry that had seen better days. Please note the yellow/green/blue/floral/beige/wood/brass/white/burgundy colour scheme.

Trust me, when I post the new pictures, you won't believe it's the same house.

In which our heroine paints the crap out of everything

Greetings from the Land of Reno.

I have been as busy as a little beaver, finishing up the magnificence which is the kitchen here, namely painting cabinet doors, installing trim, painting islands and refashioning ugliness into grace and beauty. And it looks damn good, if I do say so myself.

The rub here (and there always is one, isn't there?) is that I can't actually post photographic proof of my incontestable awesomeness lest He Who Shan't Be Named sneak in and peek before he gets home from abroad. I want him to be stunned and a little afraid of the terrific changes in the house in his absence, which, as I've said previously, he believes to have been largely occupied by my eating bonbons while watching soap operas on TV. Ha! Joke's on him, because I have turned this sow's ear into a veritable silk purse, using only my cunning and about eleventy cans of paint. Oh, and some power tools. And the internet. But that's all!

Let it suffice to say that today's brilliance included re-purposing a piece of wood found in the basement into an under-cupboard baseboard trim, figuring out how to overcome the seemingly insurmountable obstacle of removing and hiding those craptacular stick-on balsa wood cabinet ornaments (which apparently some people make themselves), painting, painting, and more painting, and use of power tools, which I can't go into here as it would give the game away.

I'm actually thinking of putting this blog on "super secret" and inviting the rest of the universe to see what I've done, as I'm inordinately proud of myself (though that could just be a combination of melamine paint fumes and it being 2 a.m.).

But right now, I should probably go to bed, as I have to get up early tomorrow to tackle the problem of the oven not working, which I suppose is 'karmic balance'. And I had made myself an epic lasagna, inspired by this terrific blog Ian turned me on to, which I can't eat because MY OVEN CRAPPED OUT. Super weak.

However, given the generally positive way the day went otherwise, I'm not willing to let this little setback get me down.

One week til I can post all the pictures!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Some more before

Ugly is as ugly does. And man, was this kitchen ugly. Or, to use a line from a favourite song, "mala como una pelicula czecka". The bad 80s tile, the Formica that time forgot (in three different patterns), the lino floor that even god forgot, coupled with some spectuacular (and also varying mismatched) faux tile panels made for a kitchen experience second to none.

It all had to go, or at least it needed to become much less egregious than it was.

So we set out to fix it...we being my brother and I. Enduring injury, pouring blood, sweat and tears into it, we managed to turn this into something presentable.

I haven't taken all the afters yet, but soon. We gave everything that wasn't moving a coat of paint, and cleaned up the non-moving things. Then we changed window treatments, made additions of storage, and hung up some Asker pots from IKEA. All good!

So instead of having this horrible greyness, we now have light. And now we have storage and prettiness where there was none.

In the midst of this, of course, we had some minor disasters. For example, hanging the light in the living room didn't go as well as we'd hoped, due to the absolute non-standardness of the fixtures in the house. Also, we awakend to dogs running through paint, and then the house, necessitating massive cleanup efforts, and a strong desire to turn them both into furry little area rugs.

But now we've completed a bulk of the big "I need two people" tasks. There has been pestering from some quarters to post the afters right away, but it's supposed to be a surprise for someone who thinks I've been sitting around while he's gone.

So, we had a few fails. But generally we've succeeded. And it looks pretty good. Mostly, it is because we have chosen good materials. I used Benjamin Moore Aura Paint, which works really well, has next to no smell, and covers like a champ in one coat without primer. For trim I always use the kitchen and bathroom trim paint, just because it's tough. And then I sealed the heck out of the windows with the silicone caulking, so it's all pretty airtight!

Next addition? A woodstove! Party like it's 1899!

Some more kitchen 'before' pictures. The wainscotting replaces the "panel tile". Remember this is all over gorgeous 1/4" thick wallboard, circa 1946. Believe me, every expense was spared in building this house. The pipe you see in the corner of the kitchen pictures is the hot air ducting for upstairs: yes, it runs inside the room throughout the house, because the walls are too thin to house the pipe. It is a 4" pipe. Ladies and gentlemen, that's quality home-building right there. Your Home of Yesterday, R-2000. I do give it its due though, it's managed to stay standing through sixty years of Halifax weather, so I suppose that's something.
Maybe we'll get lucky and a Sea King will fall on it.

Lazarus Rising

Well. There's a lot new here at This Old PMQ, namely, complete made over kitchens and living room.

We went from ick (seafoam green and yellowed trim) to FABULOUS! in one easy paint application. Well, maybe it wasn't so easy; there was a lot of wall fixing to do before the paint went up.
I'm not saying that my husband didn't do a good job fixing up the house. He did a lot of work before I ever got here. However, for some reason, he seems to lose all sense of direction when choosing paint colours.
As you can see, my husband must have had a head injury or simliar when choosing paint. Bear in mind, it rains about 360 days a year here in Halifax, so you need cheerful colours. Not a washed out sage green [he now claims this 'came like that'. Ed.]. But he tried, and really, what more can we ask?
Also, from the old photos he has somewhere that I'll codge and post here, there used to be egregious simulated-tile panelling in the kitchen. That had to go. Now, the kitchen is really looking great, with the new paint, and repainted cabinets with new hardware (that he did all on his own).
Next step...floor fixing.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I'm Li'l Jammer and I approve this message.

Sorry all.

It's been a year (as my husband pointed out) since the last post.

And he really has done some work. The problem is, I had to create gmail to use the blogspot blog, and I forgot completely what my username and password were. Thus, I have re-created the site to better reflect the status of the house.

You can see starting point at

I will post some pictures so that everyone can see the progress. It's going to be hard, since I'm trying to keep some of the latest improvements as a surprise, but I'll do my best to keep it updated, as I know that my husband is in the Land of Dodgey Internets right now.