So, just so that nobody thinks there hasn't been some kind of progress here, I'd let you know that I think I'd be a perfect field-test location for anyone who wants to see if their floors will withstand 6-10 washings with industrial cleaner during the day.
Also, I could test break/crash/fire/baby- proofness of any object!
I don't get how something so small can be so angry.
But since I don't have any progress-pictures, I guess I'll provide you with something interesting: some of my pictures from my great-grandfather, who managed to survive both the Boer War and First World War as a sergeant bugler (and later rampant gambler and drunk, because PTSD wasn't a "thing" then, so you simply poured liquor on your memory).
Interesting fact: Daniel (my great grandfather) had a brother named "Enoch". Now there's something you don't hear any more!
More relatives circa WWI.
Great Grandmother Elizabeth:
And this is a brother. Or someone. Someone to whom I am related, but no one is really sure any more. My grandmother thinks he survived the war, at any rate. It's hard to say,so many did not.
I Rebuke This Comeback in the Name of Rattails
A new album? A new semi-autobiographical film? Whatever this comeback is, I
wish The Weeknd would keep it.