Sunday, November 16, 2008

Now, with more doors!

As promised, photos of the redone cabinets. I got new hinges, and put the doors back on myself, after my husband pointed out that "You could have done them, if you weren't slacking." I'm also including a shot of the reinstalled (sort of) light that has a fan that doesn't turn. But I guess he's not an electrical engineer, so we can't expect much. Though he was frustrated that all of the tasks he had assigned weren't completed upon his return.

The next step is new countertops, which I suppose I will end up selecting and installing. Actually, I don't mind anymore. I like the complete autonomy of having Polkaroo for a husband. It's quite liberating...
I think while I'm at it I'll find a new tub, as the old one is unsat for baby. More on that later!

Friday, November 14, 2008


Well, lest you think that I've been slacking, I have to inform you that I have actually been doing something.
I have been busy with a husband who has come home, then left again within a week; his trail of destruction was not as intense as I thought it might be. Plus, he brought me chocolate.
Anyway, I have managed to put the cupboards back on, but the batteries aren't charged for my camera, and the "Jesusphone" wasn't up to the picture taking at night.
Himself also fixed the living room light- my brother and I left it on purpose so that He would have something to do. Oh, and to make him crazy (which it did: each time he saw it, he'd throw his little hands up and yell "WHY!?!". Trust me, it was as awesome as it sounds.)
On that note, I must also say that some aspersion was cast upon my brother and I; someone (Himself) suggested that two "Arts Students" were too intellectually handicapped to manage home repairs on our own. Due to, you know, being 'normal', and not being engineers.
At any rate: fast forward to Himself doing home repairs. Not only does he goad the dogs into knocking him off the ladder and nearly rocketting him through the picture window, but does even more damage.
While at an afternoon a mom and baby group, I get a phonecall that He Who Shan't Be Named has electrocuted himself.
You see, the "stupid" artsies turned off ALL the power, not trusting the poorly labeled switches in the breaker box. The ENGINEER guessed at which one it might be. As one of my favourite movie lines go, "He chose...poorly.".
So I arrived home to Himself nursing an zapped arm and feeling quite pissy and put upon that his Delicate Genius should be offended in such a way. Of course, I laughed, but really. As I told Him,"no one died, what's the big deal?" He needs to cowboy up.
So, in the meantime, the stupid artsies managed to lay a floor, paint everything, do a bunch of minor repairs and generally get stuff together, and did it all while NOT getting electrocuted. Impressive eh? He did finally get the light up, but the fan doesn't work. So it's a half win.

And since I have no other pictures, I'm showing you my 'improvement'. This model is a Schleich Sun Elf Iloris & Leolynn, but they are very blonde. Of course, I, and Li'l Jammer, are not. So to better reflect our elvishness, I painted the model, using "Asphaltum" coloured craft paint from Kent. I think I like it better darker...I found the original really pale.

More photos tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Oh say can you see...

New floor! New paint (no smurf blue)! Warm colours! It's madness!

And now, let the showing begin!
Since Himself is home, I can finally put out those pesky photos.
I will take better ones once the batteries for the camera is charged (my iPhone isn't so good in low light).
So here we are!